Application Process
How does it work?
The Health Tech Challenge consists of 3 rounds:
Round 1: Applications will open on January 2nd, 2025 and are due for submission by January 30th, 2025. Submissions should introduce the problem you are trying to solve and the skills you have to solve this problem in no more than 300 words:
​ - In 200 words or less, please tell us about the problem you are trying to solve and your ideas to address that issue
​ - In 100 words or less tell us why are you well placed to solve this problem
Additionally, each team may submit an optional 2-minute video to explain your idea (no hard requirement to include a prototype), demonstrate a high level plan with next steps, or anything else you feel will further your application. It is optional, but we strongly recommend submitting this. Round 1 decisions will be released by February 10th, 2025.
Round 2: Teams that advance from Round 1 will be required to develop and submit a short pitch of their idea, clearly demonstrating a prototype concept, in video format. They will also be matched with experienced mentors for support during the pitch development process.
Pitch video submissions are due by March 3rd, 2025 - this video may include any combination of audio, slide content, infographics, video recording, etc. A virtual pitch presentation session will be held on March 6, 2025 (subject to judges' availabilities) - this is mostly an opportunity for judges to ask each team questions, so you may present the same material live that you submitted in video format on March 3rd. Finalist decisions will be released by March 10th, 2025.
Final Round: Finalists will prepare their final pitch to be delivered on April 15th, 2025 during the LBS HealthCare conference for 1) a private panel of HealthTech VC and entrepreneur judges, and 2) a public conference audience. After judging deliberation, the winners will be announced and receive £10K cash prize and other in-kind support (e.g., Hale House free or discounted working space).
For further information, please be sure to read the competition guidelines:​
Who can participate?
The challenge is open to everyone, although each team must include at least one student (i.e., an undergraduate, postgraduate, or doctoral student affiliated with an academic institution). Teams can be comprised of 1-5 people. We strongly encourage forming teams with a mix of technical and business expertise to give your idea the best chance of success. Each person can participate in only 1 team.
What are the judging criteria?
The judges will look for a proposal which meets four broad criteria:
1. Scientific/technical feasibility
2. Impact
3. Execution plan
4. Team strength
Be sure to tell us why your idea will be successful in improving healthcare outcomes, who you will be helping, how you are going to do it, and how £10,000 will help make your vision a reality. A detailed business plan is not necessary, but a high level plan with next steps is essential. ​