How does it work?
The Health Tech Challenge this year consists of 3 rounds:
Round 1: Teams submit the Round 1 application form by January 8th, 2023. Submissions should introduce the problem you are trying to solve and the skills you have to solve this problem in no more than 300 words.
Round 2: Teams that advance from Round 1 will develop a short pitch of their ideas which they will submit by February 12th, 2023.
Final Round: Finalists selected from Round 2 will be notified and matched with experienced mentors to prepare their final pitch to be delivered on March 30th, 2023 during the LBS HealthCare conference. At the end of the presentations, after deliberation, the winners will be announced and will total prizes of £10k+
Make sure you read the Guidelines of the competition.
Who can participate?
The challenge is open to everyone, although each team must have at least one graduate, postgraduate or doctoral student, or researcher who is affiliated with an academic institution. Teams should include minimum 2 people, and maximum 5 people. We strongly encourage forming teams with a mix of technical and business expertise to give your idea the best chance of success.
What are the judging criteria?
The judges will look for a proposal which meets four broad criteria
1. Scientific/technical feasibility
2. Impact
3. Execution plan
4. Team strength
Make sure you tell us why your idea will be successful in improving healthcare outcomes, who you will be helping, how you are going to do it, and how £10,000 will help make your vision a reality.
A detailed business plan is not required, but a high level plan with next steps is essential.